Toasts & Speeches

Over the years Chanteclaire couples have teased me about my obsession with toasts and speeches. I can be harsh about them, and until the wedding day, no one quite understands my concerns. But then that moment comes, when the Maid of Honor or Best Man stands up and the glorious mood guests are in starts to circle the drain. Please indulge me as I guide your toast and speech makers a bit in order to avoid this warm moment becoming a tragedy.

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Things to consider when choosing a wedding party

Making the important decision to get married can fill couples with joy and excitement as they imagine spending the rest of their lives together. Naturally, brides- and grooms-to-be are anxious to share the good news with others and include family and friends in the festivities. One way couples exemplify inclusion is by asking their closest acquaintances to be part of their wedding parties.

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